Woman Sells a Ring from Her Ex for $13 and Gets Scary Texts

Published on July 3, 2023

After a breakup, it’s common for both parties to get rid of their ex’s things and start afresh. That’s exactly what Jane did because she was tired of seeing all those things that brought back the happy-sad memories. Therefore, she gathered the large presents and jewelry and headed to the pawn shop. However, she had no idea that selling a ring for $13 would become such an unexpected problem.

Soon after selling the ring, she received texts from a stranger. It frightened and upset her, and the texts continued rolling in. Who was the person texting her, and why were they trying to scare her?!

Removing the Memories

Jane was happy to sell the ring to prevent the memories of her ex from flooding her mind. She wanted to forget it all, but some other force wouldn’t let her. Things took a bad turn, and it started an odd situation she didn’t know how to deal with.

Removing the Memories

Removing the Memories

Unbelievable Situation

Jane could not believe what was happening to her. Though she’d heard of situations like hers before, she never realized someone would do it to her. The texts wouldn’t stop, and the problem got out of hand quickly.

Unbelievable Situation

Unbelievable Situation