Wife Is Brought to Tears When Waitress Slips a Note to Her Husband

Published on August 17, 2020

Jackie had recently given birth to her third child and wanted to take the family out to dinner. While sitting there at their table enjoying the meal, Jackie got a very strange feeling. She stepped away from the table for a moment to go to the restroom, and the waitress gave her husband a note. As she walked back from the bathroom, she saw it happen and got very upset. She never realized that a relaxing family dinner might turn out in such a way. What actually happened here and what – if anything – could she possibly do about it?

The Tears Flowed

She really didn’t want to start a fight or be part of any drama right then, but she couldn’t let it go right away. Jackie wanted so badly to say something about it to her husband. She demanded to see the note that the waitress had left.

The Tears Flowed

The Tears Flowed

Motherhood Is Tough

Jackie Johnson-Smith learned the hard way that motherhood is very tough. She had many negative experiences before, but nothing seemed to be as bad as what happened this night. All she desired was to go to a Des Moines pizza restaurant and enjoy a night out with her husband.


Motherhood Is Tough

Motherhood Is Tough