Vacation Pictures That Didn’t End Up Going As Planned

Published on July 13, 2021
There’s nothing quite like heading for a vacation especially after a long stretch of dealing with work and all of life’s stresses. While you’re on your trip, of course you want to commemorate the fun times with vacation pictures. Everyone always tries to capture the perfect family photo while on vacation, but more often than not, it is a much harder task than you might imagine. Here are some vacation pictures that ended up going horribly wrong. At least these people can look back and laugh…hopefully!

Top Of The Rock Meltdown

Thinking that their kids would appreciate the impressive view from the top of this building, this couple had no idea what was actually waiting for them. The second the reached the top, the girls started screaming, leading to this gem of a vacation photo.

Top Of The Rock Meltdown

Top Of The Rock Meltdown

Oh Wait…No

Figuring out the right time to pop the question is always a tricky one. You’d think that this guy had thought of the perfect romantic plan: proposing in front of the Eiffel Tower. This couple asked a stranger to take their photo when the man realized his shoe was untied. As he got down to tie it, his girlfriend totally misread the situation, leaving the poor person taking this photo in a very awkward moment.

Oh Wait...No

Oh Wait…No


I’ll Be Having That

Many people like to take some time off and go fishing in order to relax. This guy thought that he had made the most impressive catch of the day. However, as he was taking his victorious photo, a sea lion had other ideas. The hungry sea lion set his sights on his huge fish and decided he must snatch it up and make it his lunch. Needless to say, this guy was not impressed with the situation.

I'll Be Having That

I’ll Be Having That


Full Wild Kingdom Experience

While this woman was excited about taking a picture with the cuddly creature, she had no idea that the massive bird was lurking behind and watching the whole thing. Just as the photo was being snapped, the wild bird decided it was his time to spring to action. The look on the woman’s face is absolutely priceless.

Full Wild Kingdom Experience

Full Wild Kingdom Experience


Quality Time, All Three Of Us

While on their family vacation, this father son duo decided they wanted to take a photo in order to commemorate their trip together. Unfortunately, their family photo had an unexpected addition. We have to give credit to the guy behind him for being so confident.

Quality Time, All Three Of Us

Quality Time, All Three Of Us


Freeze Frame Photo

Often when we go on vacation, we seek out experiences and opportunities that don’t come around often. That’s why when this woman was given the opportunity to swim in a (very) heated pool in the winter, she jumped on the chance. She didn’t realize that her wet hair would literally freeze in mid-air, giving her a very Medusa-like hairstyle.

Freeze Frame Photo

Freeze Frame Photo


Who Is She?

Many times when we go on vacation we try out new features on our camera in order to capture especially interesting backgrounds and scenes. This couple was testing out their camera’s panorama setting, but the woman was not aware of the fact that you can’t move around. She learned the hard way, when she ended up like a Greek mythology creature with two heads.

Who Is She?

Who Is She?


Monkeying Around

Going to visit the zoo is always a good opportunity to see some wildlife that you wouldn’t normally see on a day to day basis. This guy was really excited to visit the monkeys at the zoo, but he didn’t realize just how excited the monkeys would be to see him as well.

Monkeying Around

Monkeying Around


Terrifying Photobomb

This couple decided to take a cute selfie together in front of some impressive architecture. They had absolutely no idea that a street performer decided to join in on their photo until after they had already snapped the picture. Hopefully they were able to take another selfie sans clown.

Terrifying Photobomb

Terrifying Photobomb


Pretend I’m Not Here

Usually when kids see Tony the Tiger they get excited for the prospect of some delicious, sugary cereal that could be coming their way soon. Unfortunately, this little girl could not be enticed with sugary flakes and was absolutely terrified by the giant tiger. She decided to hide under the table and hope that nobody would see her.

Pretend I'm Not Here

Pretend I’m Not Here


Thanks For Joining Us

Once again we have a situation where a family just wanted to take a nice vacation photo together and they ended up with someone (literally) butting in and ruining everything. We can’t blame this guy, it really looks like a nice view and to be fair, he must not have realized that they were trying to take a photo next to him.

Thanks For Joining Us

Thanks For Joining Us


Mickey’s Hungry

This is what childhood terrors are made of. This little girl’s parents wanted to take a photo of their daughter enjoying herself at Disney World when in the background, Mickey Mouse decided to play a little prank on a boy. Unfortunately, the final result looks like Mickey is trying to eat the little boy.

Mickey's Hungry

Mickey’s Hungry


Not Here For This

Sometimes parents force their kids to do things as a family that they just really don’t want to do. This often includes forced family photos, and more often then not, these photos include matching outfits. This little girl had had enough, and decided to show the camera just what she thought about this family photoshoot.

Not Here For This

Not Here For This


All By Myself

We all understand the need to get away and take some time to relax and recharge on your own. This lady wanted to enjoy some alone time at the beach, but it’s pretty unclear why she decided to take her beach chair and sit in the middle of the ocean. But hey, if she’s enjoying herself, who are we to tell her what to do.

All By Myself

All By Myself


This Ain’t Ruining My Hair

Splash Mountain is one of the most beloved rides at the Disney World parks. It’s a well known fact that while on this ride, as the name suggest, you’re most likely going to get splashed with water. This woman had just gotten her hair done and she was absolutely not okay with getting it wet, so this plastic bag was her solution.

This Ain't Ruining My Hair

This Ain’t Ruining My Hair


Purple Nurple

There’s nothing quite like daddy and me time, right? This dad learned the hard way that even toddlers love to play pranks on their parents. Just as this photo was being snapped, this little boy decided to go for it and give his dad a purple nurple. It’s very clear by his startled expression that the dad was absolutely not expecting this to happen.

Purple Nurple

Purple Nurple


Oh Hello There

Many times when you visit and aquarium or sea life park there’s an exhibit that shows off just how well trained the dolphins are there. As you can see, that’s the case at this park. However, there’s one rogue dolphin who can’t be told what to do. He decided that instead of doing flips and tricks, he wants to front and center during the photoshoot.

Oh Hello There

Oh Hello There


Best Trip Ever?

Many people enjoy taking long road trips and exploring the great outdoors. At the same time, many absolutely do not enjoy these types of trips at all. That was the case for these kids, who were having such a bad time that they made their parents absolutely miserable throughout the whole car ride.

Best Trip Ever?

Best Trip Ever?


Nice Shorts You Guys

Although it was probably the style back when this photo was taken, we can’t help but chuckle when we see this photo. We’re sure that the kids in the picture, who are surely full grown adults by now, would also laugh at their fashion sense back then, which included really high waisted short shorts and unfortunate hairstyles.

Nice Shorts You Guys

Nice Shorts You Guys


Not A Relaxing Float

While white water rafting is not a relaxing sport per se, you don’t expect to fully fall into the water while you’re in the raft. This poor guy just couldn’t hang on and someone snapped this photo at the perfect moment. You can even see his friend laughing at him in the background.

Not A Relaxing Float

Not A Relaxing Float


Totally Blown Away

These kids were forced to take some family group photos while on their beach vacation. While most of them were okay with it and ready to flash their smiles, one of the girls was absolutely not okay with the amount of wind going on during the photoshoot. She couldn’t even hide how much it was bothering her.

Totally Blown Away

Totally Blown Away


Classic Winter Vacation

Nothing like a family vacation in Poland, am I right? This family decided to do the full Zakopane experience and get all dressed up in traditional clothes for this winter themed photoshoot complete with a stuffed polar bear and white sled dogs. We wonder what their son thought of this photo after he grew up.

Classic Winter Vacation

Classic Winter Vacation


Not Impressed

It really didn’t matter that this family made the long journey to visit the White House in Washington, D.C. their daughter was still absolutely unimpressed and upset that they weren’t making time to go visit Disney World. Who cares about a stupid white house when you can visit The Magic Kingdom?

Not Impressed

Not Impressed


Bad Timing

This guy’s friends decided to take a photo of his impressive golf swing, but unfortunately he ended up capturing something a bit more than just a golf trip. To be fair, the golf course is really not the right place to stop for a bathroom break.

Bad Timing

Bad Timing


Need A Vacation From The Vacation

Do you know that point of a trip where you are just ready to go home? That’s what this family’s photo was experiencing when this photo was snapped. They were all vacation-ed out, and they felt that the second they got home, they needed to recharge with a vacation from their vacation.

Need A Vacation From The Vacation

Need A Vacation From The Vacation


Totally Beach Ready

There’s nothing like a relaxing beach vacation trip when you can totally let down you hair and just take in the fresh ocean breeze. That is, unless you absolutely need the perfect beach photo, full makeup and high heels included. This woman rests for no one.

Totally Beach Ready

Totally Beach Ready


Your Underwear’s Showing

Somebody needs to explain to this man how pants and bathing suits work. The fact that you can see almost the entirety of his underwear shows that nobody ever showed him the right way to put pants on. We can’t blame him, he probably just doesn’t know any better.

Your Underwear's Showing

Your Underwear’s Showing


Flipping Out

This girl was just trying to get out of her flamingo floaty when it decided to totally betray her and flip her over. You can see that her friend is just realizing what had happened and is about to have a hysterical fit of laughter. Luckily it was all captured on camera.

Flipping Out

Flipping Out


What Are They Doing?

Many times when the authorities put up warning signs, it’s with good reason. We’d say that a shark sighting is a good reason to stay away from the water, but apparently that’s not enough to scare away these brave people. Hopefully they all made it out with all of their limbs intact.

What Are They Doing?

What Are They Doing?


Too Close To The Edge

We can’t say enough how stressed out this photo makes us. This little baby is way too close to the edge of the water, and it’s really unclear why these parents don’t seem concerned even one bit. Maybe they haven’t noticed it yet, but that would actually make matters way worse.

Too Close To The Edge

Too Close To The Edge


Perfect Potty Place

Finding a restroom out in nature is always a challenge, and it’s always even more of a challenge when you’re taking a trip in nature with kids. These parents didn’t have a choice but to bring a porta-potty with them so that their kids would be able to do their business whenever they needed to.

Perfect Potty Place

Perfect Potty Place


Odd One Out

Most of us don’t have the luxury of being around all of our extended family all of the time, which is why this family decided to take advantage of everyone being together in order to take a nice family photo together. Everyone decided to put on a nice smile or at least a solemn face, everyone except for one little guy, of course.

Odd One Out

Odd One Out


Star Trek Family

We think it’s absolutely adorable that this family can come together and nerd out over the same thing together. This is a Star Treks super fan family if we’ve ever seen one. They probably go to conventions together all dressed up as well. Can you say family goals?

Star Trek Family

Star Trek Family


Family Photo

This looks like an absolutely adorable family photo at first glance until you realize that we have three different animal species here. Still, it’s nice that everyone could put their differences aside to come together in order to take this nice picture together by the beach.

Family Photo

Family Photo


Caught In The Act

Getting out and exploring nature is always interesting, but this group was treated to an extra interesting outing when these turtles decided to get busy right out in the open in front of everyone. It seems like this tour group was quite amused as you can tell by the expressions on their faces in the background.

Caught In The Act

Caught In The Act


We Forgot The Sunscreen

This couple will never ever again forget to bring sunscreen along to their beach trip. They thought that they would be okay since it was a cloudy day, but they didn’t realize that UV rays are still out there even when the sun isn’t necessarily out. Hopefully these burns didn’t hurt too bad!

We Forgot The Sunscreen

We Forgot The Sunscreen


Just My Luck

This guy agreed to let his friends bury him completely in the sand, but he had no idea that the seagulls on the shoreline had some plans as well. Just when his friends were finished burying him, the seagulls swooped in and left an extra surprise on his forehead. Unfortunately, his hands were buried deep in the sand and there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop this unpleasant situation.

Just My Luck

Just My Luck


Nap Time To Go

While many people who take long bus rides choose to stow their luggage on the bottom of the bus, the passengers of this bus did not have the ability to do so because of the man living on the bottom of the bus. We’re not sure how the bus driver allowed this, but it must have been going on for a while because this guy looks way too comfortable.

Nap Time To Go

Nap Time To Go


Croc Farmer’s Tan

While we understand that Crocs are very comfortable, it still doesn’t excuse the fact that they are just so unsightly. The worst part is the fact that if you wear them for too long outside, just like this person did, you’ll end up with a horrible Croc tan line that will make your feet look incredibly weird.

Croc Farmer's Tan

Croc Farmer’s Tan


Hanging With The Boys

This lady decided that she’s absolutely going for it and having her photo taken with these male dancers. Even though she decided to make the bold move to ask for the photo, she still looks quite shy and nervous to be in the photo with so many hunky men and we find it to be quite endearing.

Hanging With The Boys

Hanging With The Boys