Things You Never Knew About Iceland, A Truly Unique Country

Published on November 28, 2022

Strict Baby Name Rules

While there are laws about baby naming in many places, Iceland is known to have stringent rules and conventions in order to make sure baby names adhere to the rules of the Icelandic language. Names must be approved for the official register, and any out of the ordinary names must be approved by the official Naming Committee after special permission is requested.

Strict Baby Name Rules

Strict Baby Name Rules

Polar Stratospheric Clouds

Iceland is home to a rare cloud sighting, which is certainly an appealing attraction for visitors. You can see the Polar Stratospheric Clouds, which happen when temperatures are low enough in winter and they appear like iridescent pastels all along the sky. This can be a once in a lifetime experience to see since it is so rare.

Polar Stratospheric Clouds

Polar Stratospheric Clouds