The Most Incredible Things You’ll Only Be Able To See In India

Published on June 29, 2023

Pre-Wedding Detectives

Weddings are incredibly important in India, and a common practice is to hire private detectives to investigate any potential matches in order to make sure they are who they say they are and to avoid any issues. These pre-wedding detectives earn $200 for a one day mission, which is a huge amount considering that’s about half of the average monthly salary in India.

Pre Wedding Detectives

Pre Wedding Detectives

Highest Road In The World

Right in the middle of the Himalayas, in Eastern Ladakh, you’ll find a road that’s 19,300 feet above sea level, making it the highest road in the world that’s accessible by car. Many people take road trips to this road, but it is crucially important to drive a car that’s able to handle it.

Highest Road In The World

Highest Road In The World