Baby Elephant in Serious Danger Gets Help from the Unexpected

Published on January 30, 2022

A Big Responsibility

A baby elephant was in a terrible situation and its herd struggled to help it in any way. It was quickly becoming clear that this animal wasn’t going to make if it no rescue plan was put into motion. A group of people could see that the family was struggling, but they had no idea if they had the means to save the large baby. Would they be able to safely access the baby’s without being trampled by the herd nearby?


Close Encounter

Everyone in Danger

Naturally, wild elephants were not used to getting too close to humans, especially if they had precious cargo like a baby with them. If the humans got too close to the baby, the other elephants may not understand that they were trying to help. Assisting wild animals is often a necessity, but it can put both the humans and the animals in danger. Could they make peace with these elephants and help the baby? Or would the baby eventually perish?


Potential Danger