What Do Blue Shutters on Houses in the South Really Mean?

Published on August 19, 2020

If you take a tour of the American South, you are probably going to see many beautiful homes. These traditional houses are pushed far back from the sidewalks. The one thing you’re sure to notice is that many homeowners seem to be taken by a particular color of blue. Many window shutters and porch ceilings are painted this specific shade. This makes people wonder, and if you were so bold as to ask about the color’s name, you were likely told that it’s called ‘haint blue.’ It looks pretty, and it doesn’t really look obtrusive in the scheme of things, but the history behind such color use is quite sobering.

Old House with Haint Blue Paint

Most people probably haven’t given too much thought to the color chosen for the shutters or porch ceilings. In some cases, it’s likely that people pick haint blue to continue a family tradition or because they like the color. Ellen O’Neill, a paint producer from Benjamin Moore, touched upon this factor in 2017 when she talked to Today.

Old House With Touches Of Haint Blue Paint Still On It

Old House with Haint Blue Paint

Not Much Thought Given To It Now

O’Neill believes that no one nowadays is going to think much about painting a porch blue because their parents and grandparents had the same color. Lori Sawaya, a color design expert, confirmed this idea for Sherwin-Williams, a paint manufacturer. She claimed that porch ceilings in the South have always been blue.

Stately Home With Blue Shutters

Not Much Thought Given To It Now